Monday, May 9, 2011

Big News

I was not there when Bin Laden was found and ultimately eliminated. I have not been on the front line of revolutions with leaders like Gigi Ibrahim as they fight for their rights and ultimately freedom. I have not been present to help the victims of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes or floods rebuild their homes and lives this spring. Rather, I have been proudly tending to big news much closer to home….the impending graduation of 81 fine young people who will soon be walking across the stage at Casady’s beautiful outdoor ceremony. My juxtaposition of world news, including some devastating disasters, and Casady’s graduation ceremony is not an attempt to compare statures. I am not even making a statement….other than to say that while so much is happening around the globe I want to focus on a relatively small group of fine young people and be sure to give them their moment in the sun.

These next few weeks mark the culmination of a year of learning here at Casady. For our seniors it more accurately marks the end of two, three, four or even 15 years of learning at Casady. This is a time of year when we are afforded abundant opportunity to watch our students demonstrate what they have learned and how remarkably they have grown.

While it is a distinct honor for me to spend my days with all of the students and faculty at Casady School this time of year is particularly special for the seniors. The growth of the students over the course of these months and years has been inspiring. They make us cry, laugh, grit our teeth and smile proudly....sometimes all in the same day!

I am also pleased to watch parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins and friends walk with the seniors through these final paces of the year. Much of who and what they are is a result of the love, care and guidance bestowed upon them as they have morphed into tomorrow’s leaders.

While I have not led a revolution, saved lives after a disaster or coordinated a successful search for wanted criminals….keep your eyes on the Casady Class of 2011 as they may do all of that and then some in the not so distant future. I congratulate each of the seniors on the completion of one journey and I wish them well as them embark on another. You have earned my love and respect. Good luck!

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