Sometimes we are all quick to dismiss an idea that doesn't, at first, seem to fit. It happens to the best of us in the classroom and it certainly happens beyond the confines of school campuses.
While listening to NPR this weekend I learned that endive is a leafy vegetable that is very much a delicacy in many parts of the world. It's origins are much more modest. Families struggling through the extreme economic times of WWII in Belgium found endive roots in compost heaps and decided to eat them. Eventually, roots were planted and nourished and many years later what was once tossed aside and deemed useless is a highly sought after dish on gourmet menus through Europe.
One man's junk is another man's treasure....or something like that.
I have focused lately on encouraging creativity amongst our faculty and students. So the next time someone comes up with an idea or a plan that doesn't seem to solve the problem at hand I am going to support creativity and not immediately dismiss their thought as useless. If endive can rise out of the compost heap to vegetable supremacy why can't a seemingly off-the-wall comment turn into a great idea?
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